Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Fantastic May !

hello folks... i've got stories to share :) so take a seat and comfort yourself.
are you ready? well, it's not a quite big story to share, but i'd like to share it to you ;)

here's the 1...
it's May. do you know? May is my birthday. at May 15th. tanggal 15 mei itu hari minggu, aku rencananya mau ngajak si Nadhia, Della, Mira, Marisa buat makan2 di TP. tapi waktu paginya, Marisa sms kalo dia ga bisa dateng karna diajak ortunya. yaaaahh...

akhirnya yang dateng semua kecuali Mar-mar (╥_╥) sayang banget. padahal kita ngabisin banyak waktu lho.. mulai makan2 di KFC, foto2 di Onix, ngacir ke Benhill (aku dikasi kado jaket Daisy Bebek ama anak2. yeeeeey makasih ya kawaaan \(^o^)/)
pulangnya aku nyobain Green Tea Freeze nya J.CO. enak banget lhoo... recommended!

and here's the 2nd...
do you know Star Trek movie? if you already know, browse Spock (i mean the new version of Spock cast)

ZACHARY QUINTO. that's him. after i watched it, then i realized, "oh my gosh, this guy it's just hot" browse him if you corious ;)

believe me, ehem. this guy is on of my top list of... making out with :P actually, he's number 1. his face can make me turn on. no, really, i'm mean it, guys.

if you also like him, well, don't dare to keep him, because, i am the first one kept him AFTER you ;) be nice plz