Jumat, 06 April 2012

Hommes 2

my favourite male models for more....
Sebastian Brice

Sebastian Brice with Alex Dunstan

Karl Morrall

Sebastian Brice and Thomas Penfound

Sebastian Brice and Johnny George at Burberry AW 12 in Milan

(L-R) James Smith, Alex Dunstan and Johnny George

(L-R) Alex Dunstan, Robbie Wadge and Thomas Penfound

the last pic, i was little shock when i found this on my tumblr dashboard. thanks to lcroix who posted it to tumblr

a novel and a thick heavy book were read by Charlie France and Johnny George in backstage

Hommes 1

lemme tell you all my favourite male models...

Johnny George

Alex Dunstan

Alexander Beck

Thomas Penfound

Johnny George - Full Of Mystery

i was looking for a coat for my IT assignment - our teacher gave us a task to create a web design in Publisher. i was with Neni, we planned to make a british fashion clothes store, and so yeah we agreed.
i got too excited with this assignment, and i was like "wow, this is excited! british fashion! let's do it!"

i googled everything i need, sweaters, bags, shoes, shirts, dresses coats... when i surfing on burberry, i went to menswear coat section. i look at them in details. and then i fell in love with the one called Wool Bound Edge Pea Coat. very stunning. i love the buttons, collar and everything. and when i saw the model, i frozen. i was caught by his eyesight. "i think i'm in love with him", instantly i saved the picture of it.
i was really in love with him, but one thing i didn't know, what's his name?

3 months after that, my dear friend, Radinka showed me off her little pic of a guy with glasses. i asked her, who is he, she told me that he is Mathias Lauridsen, he's a model, quiclkly i flashed back, i was knew one model but i don't know his name. so i asked her, i sent her that 'burberry boy' pic to her. she didn't know him too.
so that was quite depressing, really. finally i searched him all over the web, and then i found a guy that look similiar with him, he has the same eyesight. i read the name, Johnny George. "is that him?" i quickly googled him, and then, it's a hell of true.

i learned all about him, everything. i even searched his interview or stuff like that. videos, runways. he's hell of mystery. youtube. no interviews in videos.
i even searched pic of him smile widely with teeth on, i mean... and no result.

Johnny George for Fred Perry Laurel Wreath Collection 12

photograph by Haruki Horikawa
loving this man ever since i found him

Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Tom Chaplin. cutest, sexiest, existing man in the world

His name is Thomas Oliver Chaplin. he is Keane's singer. his voice is EXTREMLY beautiful, so sexy, so awesome. and he has a cute face :)

aku bener2 cinta deh sama orang ini. abis suaranya dia *yang bener2 aku akui* bagus banget *dan seksi banget* dan aku gak salah, memang suaranya bagus banget. apalagi pas dia main sama Queen, nyanyi It's A Hard Life. astaga... pas aku pertama kali denger konser itu, aku langsung bilang "SHIT! this man is good!"

super tall (6ft 2in = 188 cm) *holy fuq*, super cute, super sexy *my oh my!* itulah kata2 yang bisa aku ucapkan selagi terlintas nama Tom Chaplin di benak.
<--- this image represent HOW TALL and SEXY a man named Tom Chaplin is.

<--- this image represent how CUTE *SUPER DUPER CUTE* a man named Tom Chaplin is.

i'd die to see this man infront of me.

and the last, but not the last. i'd like to say to Natalie Dive. the LUCKIEST woman ever in this world. i can't say anything except congratulation on your marriage :))
oohh.. i'm so speechless x')

what a couple!

Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

Keane. unbelivable.

aku lupa aku kenal Keane dari tahun berapa... seingetku aku mulai kenal dari lagu Is It Any Wonder? dari album Under the Iron Sea. (dan itu dari kaset kompilasi yang aku beli).
lagu itu sih menurut aku 'not bad'. tapi band ini tetep aku masukin ke list "band i looking up to"
- Muse
- My Chemical Romance
- Keane
- The Used

setelah beberapa tahun berlalu, aku denger2 mereka ngeluarin single (tahun 2008) yaitu Spiralling. waktu pertama kali denger, kalimat yang aku ucapin di dalam kepala: "kok gini sih? rame musiknya" jadi waktu itu aku gak seberapa suka sama Spiralling.

eh.. tahun berlalu, waktu aku lagi belanja di suatu mall, ada toko kaset dan cd, mereka lagi sale, langsung aja aku sama ayah nyerbu toko itu. pas lagi liat2, aku ngeliat album artwork yang familiar banget, Under The Iron Sea!
itu kaset. (which i loved it) dan harganya... pasti bikin kalian jawdrop deh... Rp 5000 doang!!!
langsung sikat!

sampe rumah, langsung dengerin semuanya.
playlist 1 - Atlantic, gila lagu ini dalam bener. atmosphere nya kerasa banget. liriknya juga ngena banget.

I hope all my days
Will be lit by your face
I hope all the years
Will hold tight our promises

I don't wanna be old and sleep alone
An empty house is not a home
I don't wanna be old and feel afraid
I need a place
That's hidden in the deep
Where lonely angels sing you to your sleep
Though all the world is broken

I need a place
Where I can make my bed
A lover's lap where I can lay my head
Cos now the room is spinning
The day's beginning
dari situ aku mulai serius dengan Keane. aku cari2 dan dengerin semua lagunya, aku cari personil mana yang aku suka (dan jatuh kepada Tom. eh Tim sama Richard cakep juga kok)

setelah aku dengerin total lagu dari album Hopes And Fears, aku membuat kesimpulan, "lagu2 nya bagus semua. dari awal sampe akhir. ini band keren banget"

waktu aku denger lagu Can't Stop Now dari album Hopes and Fears, aku langsung suka! catchy, tapi di endingnya epic. waktu Tom nyanyi di endingnya
The motion keeps my heart running
beranjak ke album yang paling terakhir, Night Train. lagu yang paling aku suka yaitu Stop For A Minute ft Knaan. rapper amrik-somalia. dan Ishin Denshin (You've Got To Help Yourself) ft Tigarah. jadilagu ini ada bahasa jepangnya, dinyanyikan oleh Tigarah.

dan sekarang mereka lagi sibuk di studio. aku selalu keep in touch sama video atau foto yang mereka post di website nya http://keanemusic.com. mereka baik banget sama fans2nya, selalu keep in touch. mulai dari ngepost candid, sneek a peak lagu baru, tribute, sampe ucapan merry christmas buat fans. (kebanyakan yang bikin video dan foto itu Richard)

Tom sebagai Santa Claus, nyanyi Somewhere Only We Know. *padahal judulnya Somewhere Only Santa Know*
pertama kali liat aja udah bikin ngakak.

denger2 sih mereka bakal ngluarin album barunya bulan Mei. which is 5 months to go. dan bulan Mei itu bulan lahirku, jadi album baru Keane bakalan jadi kado ulang tahun. aww :)

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Fantastic May !

hello folks... i've got stories to share :) so take a seat and comfort yourself.
are you ready? well, it's not a quite big story to share, but i'd like to share it to you ;)

here's the 1...
it's May. do you know? May is my birthday. at May 15th. tanggal 15 mei itu hari minggu, aku rencananya mau ngajak si Nadhia, Della, Mira, Marisa buat makan2 di TP. tapi waktu paginya, Marisa sms kalo dia ga bisa dateng karna diajak ortunya. yaaaahh...

akhirnya yang dateng semua kecuali Mar-mar (╥_╥) sayang banget. padahal kita ngabisin banyak waktu lho.. mulai makan2 di KFC, foto2 di Onix, ngacir ke Benhill (aku dikasi kado jaket Daisy Bebek ama anak2. yeeeeey makasih ya kawaaan \(^o^)/)
pulangnya aku nyobain Green Tea Freeze nya J.CO. enak banget lhoo... recommended!

and here's the 2nd...
do you know Star Trek movie? if you already know, browse Spock (i mean the new version of Spock cast)

ZACHARY QUINTO. that's him. after i watched it, then i realized, "oh my gosh, this guy it's just hot" browse him if you corious ;)

believe me, ehem. this guy is on of my top list of... making out with :P actually, he's number 1. his face can make me turn on. no, really, i'm mean it, guys.

if you also like him, well, don't dare to keep him, because, i am the first one kept him AFTER you ;) be nice plz

Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Jeimī Karamu

hello folks... i'm back. gini nih, aku sekarang lagi ndengerin Jamie Cullum. a jazz singer-pianist from England. I'm currently listening to Music Is Through ama I'm All Over It Now. sumpah enak bener deh. yang music is through itu rasanya bikin aku pengen dancing ajaa...

If you look like you wanna, baby I don't
Mind if I do
Girl I got your number,
Call you when the music is through
If you look like you wanna, baby I don't
Mind if I do

lagu yang jazzy banget tuh But For Now, What A Difference A Day Made ama I Think I Love. deep and slow. that's what i need.

aaaandd.. i fall in love with him. biasa lah, cewe-cewe kan sukanya kayak beginiam. hahaha.
terus, tadi aku sempet liat performance dia (ga tau dimana) menyanyikan But For Now. sebelum main, dia said thank you dulu sama crowd. dan, wow, British Accentnya kental banget. (which means i loved British Accent)

di versi live, dia ngecover lagu Teardrop by Massive Attack di Cologne E-Werk (my fave band, and my fave song sang by Jamie!) and well, it's great! i love the cover. ditambah lagi, Jamie ngovernya pake piano. tapi, electro beat nya tetep ga ditinggalin. duduk di depan piano, sempet-sempetnya ngegebuk mini drum.

i love him :)